Hunter Hammersen

Hunter Hammersen

About Me

My name is Hunter Hammersen, and I knit tiny nonsense. I live in coastal Maine, where I can often be found poking at seaweed with a bit of driftwood or visiting my favorite mossy tree stump. There is almost certainly a rock in my pocket right this minute. If you ask nicely, I might just show it to you.

I’m fat, I swear a lot, and I have ridiculous hair. And I am unapologetically shouty about political stuff. No really, I’m the scary, dangerous feminist your angry uncle rants about on facebook. Here, check this out…abortions are good and everyone should have access to them, trans people are good and should get the support they need, unions are good and more people should be in them, police are bad and should be defunded, fascists are bad and we should stop electing them, racists are bad and we should stop humoring them, and this pandemic is very much not over.

If you buy my work, I will absolutely use your money to support the causes I believe in.

If any of that stuff up there bugs you, I’m not the person for you. And that’s ok! But if that all sounds good? If I sound like your kind of person? Well, then I think we can have some fun!

Keep in touch

You can follow me on instagram, join the mailing list, or support my work on patreon.

Looking for an older pattern?

I started writing patterns in 2009 and spent the next few years releasing several hundred patterns and a dozen books. But by the summer of 2022, I realized that trying to keep hundreds of patterns up to date (and up to my current standard of pattern writing) was simply too overwhelming. I couldn’t do it and still release new things. So I took my old patterns down so I could keep doing new work!

A handful of my very favorites have come back (and a few more may come back later). And of course new patterns have come out since then (and more are underway). But the vast majority of the old patterns are retired and will no longer be generally available.

However, enough folks have asked about some old favorites that I’m planning to make many of the retired patterns available for a few days once or twice a year. If you want to hear when that happens, make sure you’re subscribed to the mailing list or patreon, or keep an eye on my instagram.

original designs

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Pantsville Press
Vert Lace Cap
Sock Yarn Studio: Hats, Garments and Other Projects Designed for Sock Yarn
  • Vert Lace Cap
  • Sock Yarn Studio: Hats, Garments and Other Projects Designed for Sock Yarn
Fracas Cuffs
Rabble Rousers
Fracas Hat
Rabble Rousers
Ruction Mitts
Rabble Rousers
Ruction Cowl
Rabble Rousers
Rabble Rousers
Rabble Rousers
Rabble Rousers
The Sock Report, vol 1, summer 2012
Linaria Bipartita Shawl
The Knitter's Curiosity Cabinet, Volume I
Linaria bipartita Socks
The Knitter's Curiosity Cabinet, Volume I
Loasa lateritia Cowl
The Knitter's Curiosity Cabinet, Volume I
Loasa lateritia Sock
The Knitter's Curiosity Cabinet, Volume I
Polypodium vulgare Cowl
The Knitter's Curiosity Cabinet, Volume I
Polypodium vulgare Socks
The Knitter's Curiosity Cabinet, Volume I
Narcissus pseudo-narcissus Cuff
The Knitter's Curiosity Cabinet, Volume I
Narcissus pseudo-narcissus Sock
The Knitter's Curiosity Cabinet, Volume I
Dianthus superbus Cowl
The Knitter's Curiosity Cabinet, Volume I
Dianthus superbus Socks
The Knitter's Curiosity Cabinet, Volume I
Rosa rubiginosa Mitts
The Knitter's Curiosity Cabinet, Volume I
Rosa rubiginosa Socks
The Knitter's Curiosity Cabinet, Volume I
Pinus Silvestris Hat
The Knitter's Curiosity Cabinet, Volume I
Pinus Silvestris Socks
The Knitter's Curiosity Cabinet, Volume I
Rubus suberectus Shawl
The Knitter's Curiosity Cabinet, Volume I
Rubus suberectus Socks
The Knitter's Curiosity Cabinet, Volume I
Chrysanthemum frutescens Hat
The Knitter's Curiosity Cabinet, Volume I
Chrysanthemum frutescens Socks
The Knitter's Curiosity Cabinet, Volume I
Crocus vernus Mitt
The Knitter's Curiosity Cabinet, Volume I
Crocus vernus Socks
The Knitter's Curiosity Cabinet, Volume I
Pantsville Press
Pantsville Press
Pantsville Press
Smidgen, Sliver, Snippet Collection
  • Sliver
  • Smidgen, Sliver, Snippet Collection
Smidgen, Sliver, Snippet Collection
  • Smidgen
  • Smidgen, Sliver, Snippet Collection
Smidgen, Sliver, Snippet Collection
  • Snippet
  • Smidgen, Sliver, Snippet Collection
Tiny Nonsense
Pantsville Press
Pantsville Press
Knitty, First Fall 2011
  • Inlay
  • Knitty, First Fall 2011
Pantsville Press
Pantsville Press
Cthulhu Waits
What Would Madame Defarge Knit?
Pantsville Press
Pantsville Press
Pantsville Press
Pantsville Press
Pantsville Press
Pantsville Press
Uşak (old version)
Silk Road Socks (2011)
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